Tyler1 Loses It Over This Overwatch 2 System

Tyler1 is known for his raging moments – in fact, his fits of anger are prominent that esports team TSM got Tyler1 to feign rage when his brother, Erobb221, joined the organization. However, his anger can often hold valuable nuggets of criticism, and that's exactly what happened during a recent "Overwatch 2" stream.


While grinding the ranked mode of "Overwatch 2," Tyler1 played against multiple teams where the players were in a party together. This is generally called stacking, or queuing up, and it's a common way to play team games like "Overwatch 2," "League of Legends," and "Valorant." However, the appearance of the party in his ranked games set Tyler1 off.

"Any game with a ranked ladder should not have any sort of duo queue slash trio queue whatever," he said.

He acknowledged the argument that such games are more fun with friends, but that there are plenty of other things to do with friends that don't involve ruining the ranked mode in a game. While his chat talked him down to begrudgingly accept duo queues, he was still very much against anything more than that.


He's not alone in his frustrations. Many fans have spoken out against the party sizes in ranked, and most team-based games have measures in place to fight this issue.

High party sizes in ranked modes are a problem

There's an obvious advantage in any team game if one team is a group of players that play together consistently and the other team is full of individuals that may not even have microphones to communicate. Additionally, most of these groups of people have at least one person carrying the rest of their team to higher ranks.


This is a problem that's been pointed out in the "Overwatch" community for quite some time. The argument for having these groups included in the generic ranked mode is that it helps queue times significantly. Some point to other competitive games not having this problem because it limits ranked games to only solo or duo queues, but it's more complex than that.

The average number of monthly players for "Overwatch 2" sits between 20 to 25 million, which is way less than the average 150 million players that "League of Legends" brings in. "Valorant" brings in around the same number of players that "Overwatch 2" does, but playing ranked doesn't involve picking roles before waiting for a queue. However, being able to pick roles in "Overwatch 2" gives players the freedom to play what they want without worrying about crazy metas emerging from people playing off-role Heroes.


It's a complicated issue, but one thing's clear: "Overwatch 2" devs have listened to fans' concerns in the past. Maybe Tyler1's comments will bring the issue to the eyes of Activision Blizzard.

