The Best Stat Tracker For Modern Warfare 2

If you've been playing the "Call of Duty" series for a while, it's likely that you're familiar with the games' emphasis on performance when it comes to multiplayer. For years, players have kept track of their kill-death ratio (K/D) and various other levels of their performance in-game. The series' latest entry, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2," is no different in this regard. However, when it comes to advanced stat tracking, hardcore players often go to third-party stat trackers to get a better grip on their performance.


When in-game, the stat-tracking in "Modern Warfare 2" is rather limited to the more basic and rudimentary statistics (via AFK Gaming). Third-party stat trackers, however, keep tabs on a litany of in-depth information such as shot accuracy, average score per minute, score per game, killstreaks, and in what percentile of players one might be ranked in. Overall, it's the best system for players who are super analytical about their play and looking for in-depth data on where they succeed and where they might fall short.

There are a few stat trackers out there on the interwebs. But which is the best when it comes to "Modern Warfare 2?" seems to be quite popular

Out of all of the stat trackers available for players of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2," it seems that is the one that most consider to be the best. Writing for Ginx, Daniel Borjas noted Tracker's popularity among the "Call of Duty" fandom with past entries. Furthermore, Borjas pointed out that the site is a one-stop shop for virtually any stat tracking related to a number of popular games available, such as "Fortnite" and "Destiny 2," among others. Daniel Pinheiro of PC Invasion echoed a similar belief, calling the best in the game and praising it for helping players improve their skill level. "Not only does keep track of players' performance in specific matches, but it also gives players tips on how they can get better at the game," Pinheiro said of Tracker. Ralston Dacanay of DblTap also recommends "Modern Warfare 2" players use Tracker.


It should be noted that as of right now, has yet to begin compiling players' statistics for "Modern Warfare 2." But with the game quickly approaching several months old and with Tracker being such a legacy website, it's only a matter of time before the numbers start popping up. However, it doesn't seem any other stat tracking websites have popped up in its place since "Modern Warfare 2" was released. Therefore, it's best to keep your eyes peeled.

