Hogwarts Legacy Talent Skill Trees Explained

There are plenty of different things to do in "Hogwarts Legacy" that can help the player through the game. While Merlin Trials help with inventory space, the skill trees, called Talents in the game, help players to level up various gameplay mechanics. There are five different categories of Talents: Spells, Dark Arts, Core, Stealth, and Room of Requirement.


The Spells tree offers upgrades to the learnable spells in "Hogwarts Legacy" (not the essential ones, which aren't included on the Spell wheel). Core, as the name suggests, will build up some of the most basic gameplay mechanics like dodging, using basic spell attacks, and even healing. Leveling up Stealth will help players who may struggle with such missions or want to get through battles without too much confrontation. The Room of Requirement tree is focused around efficiency with potions and plants. Dark Arts will strengthen the Unforgivable Spells and allow for Curses, which are dark upgrades to some of the regular spells.

Players will get one talent point to use every time they level up after completing Jackdaw's quest in the main story. Considering that's the only way to get Talent points and there are nearly 50 Talent options to choose from, players have to put a lot of thought behind which ones they choose. By the time your character is fully leveled up, you'll only have used 36 Talent points. Here's what to know when leveling up your Talent skill trees.


Matching Talents to gameplay

When picking out Talents to upgrade, it's important for players to consider how they're going to play the game. For example, if someone prefers the direct approach, upgrading the Talents under Stealth isn't going to help them, whereas other players might love being able to move faster when they're using the Disillusionment charm. 


Likewise, not everyone will use potions and plants more than they're required through their playthrough "Hogwarts Legacy," so the Room of Requirement Talent upgrades aren't always helpful for every playstyle. However, for the wizards and witches who'd enjoy letting 10 combat plants loose in one battle, many of the Room of Requirement Talents would be a perfect match. This line of logic applies to pretty much every category, depending on what kind of role the players wants to pursue in the Wizarding World. Some may be avoiding the Dark Arts for moral reasons, so curses and upgrades to the Unforgivable Curses may not be ideal.

Another thing to think about is the difficulty level. For players going through the campaign on Story or Easy modes, Talents like Wiggenweld Potency might not be important if they're not healing often. However, since there's a limited number of Wiggenweld Potions a player can hold, anyone playing on harder modes might to upgrade the aforementioned Talent immediately.


Core and Spell Talents should be prioritized

There are some talents that are considered to be better options to make players stronger overall in "Hogwarts Legacy." And although there are some gameplay-specific options to consider, a few of the best Talents will be useful to most players.


Many of the Core options are generally suited to every build, simply because they apply to a wide variety of situations. For instance, Spell Knowledge 1 adds a backup Spell wheel that can easily be swapped to, meaning players don't have to constantly edit one single Spell wheel. Protego Absorption allows players to quickly build up their Ancient Magic meter with successful blocks, Revelio Mastery will reveal hidden things from farther away, and Basic Cast Mastery will speed up cooldown and allow for more spells to be cast in rapid succession. Get the picture? No matter the playstyle, Core Talents can be hugely beneficial, so you might want to focus on those first.

When it comes to Spell Talents, Incendio is a good choice, as it changes the damage dealt to AoE (area of effect). This makes it a lifesaver when surrounded by hordes of enemies, especially considering it interrupts all basic enemies without a shield. Other than that, players should upgrade whatever spells they find themselves using most.


