Turnip Boy Robs A Bank: What We Know So Far

"Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion" sounds perplexing, but it's turned out to be one of the best games on Xbox Game Pass, and one of the best cozy, strange titles available. While the title might seem like a distraction, it actually sums up the game well. Turnip Boy did commit tax evasion, and now he must work off his debts to Mayor Onion one task at a time. Now, Turnip Boy is getting his very own sequel in "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank." Uh-oh.


Developer Snoozy Kazoo is bringing Turnip Boy back for another wild adventure, this time including even more felonies. Even more exciting? "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" promises a completely different experience from "Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion," giving new and old players alike reason to jump on the bandwagon for another round of questionable crimes. Does taking on capitalism sound like a good time to you? Here's what we know about the upcoming game so far.

Does Turnip Boy Robs a Bank have a release date?

Right now, "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" is set to release in 2023, though when in 2023 remains a mystery. Snoozy Kazoo has been hard at work both developing the game and promoting it, and the developers have offered enough previews to suggest that "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" will release right on schedule, coming out sometime before the end of the year on Steam and Xbox – including Xbox Game Pass.


Snoozy Kazoo showed off the game's title screen in a tweet, showcasing Turnip Boy's new collaborators, the Pickled Gang. The crew, which also features a cybernetically enhanced turnip, barrels along in a truck, ultimately crashing head-first into a bank.


The team also showed up at PAX East to demo the game, meaning that there's already a playable version of it. While it's still unknown when "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" will come out, fans can be assured it'll be in 2023.

Is there a trailer for Turnip Boy Robs a Bank?

"Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" has a couple of trailers. The general announcement trailer gives fans a good look at the tone of the game, showing off the Pickled Gang and the cybernetically enhanced turnip that seems to belong to it. Above them all, riding on top of a delivery truck, Turnip Boy brandishes one of his new weapons: a gun.


Something about the juxtaposition of hardcore weapons – including many rifles, knives, etc. – with a cute, smiling turnip sets the tone for the game. It's a mix of criminal activity and adorable animations that comes off as hilarious. Based on the trailer, the Pickled Gang has spent some time in prison, giving them an edge when it comes to guiding Turnip Boy through the bank robbing process. They may have even targeted Turnip Boy specifically to help them in this case.

The game also has a trailer focused on its gameplay, which seems quite different from "Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion." Here's how "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" takes a new leap into roguelites.

What will gameplay be like in Turnip Boy Robs a Bank?

A combat trailer for "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" shows off a slightly different combat style that evolves perfectly from what fans saw in the first game. Instead of shovels and other gardening implements, Turnip Boy wields guns and other dangerous weapons to perform his bank heist. The emphasis on guns suggests that ranged combat will be even more important in "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank," and Snoozy Kazoo's description of the combat explains that the game will include roguelite elements. Of course, the game will also feature weird, unexpected weapons, keeping the tone humorous.


TheGamer sat down for a preview of "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank," confirming that the game is more like "Enter the Gungeon" than other Zelda-likes. The roguelite element comes into play from areas that can't be fully explored without upgraded materials and more experience. Revisiting previous areas of the bank with beefed up abilities could reveal new items or information.

While players don't know all the details of the gameplay loop in "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank" yet, the combat trailer explains that the game will feature dark web browsing, interactions with hostages and bank workers, and plenty of tense interactions with the law. Once again, Turnip Boy is sticking it to the Man and fighting against capitalism.


