Epic Sues Two YouTubers Over Fortnite Cheat Videos

Epic Games, the studio behind Fortnite, is continuing what appears to be a never-ending crusade against cheaters. This time, the company has filed suit against two YouTube creators who advertised cheat tools in videos and sold them on a website.


According to Engadget, Brandon Lucas and Colton Conter — known as "Golden Modz" and "Excentric" online — have been slapped with a lawsuit from Epic that claims both violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The suit also charges that the two breached contract with Epic, presumably in Fortnite's terms of service, and took part in "tortious interference" by providing access to cheat tools and showing others how to use them.

Videos on the YouTube channel shared by Lucas and Conter have also been hit with copyright strikes courtesy of Epic Games.

Epic also appears to be coming hard at the money earned by the two. In addition to asking for fees related to the litigation, Epic wants profits from the videos "disgorged," meaning that both Lucas and Conter would have to relinquish any of the money they made from their monetized YouTube videos.


All things considered, Lucas appears to be handling the lawsuit well — at least publicly. After tweeting, "Imagine getting sued for making a youtube video lmao what," he later got back to discussing games. More specifically, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

This is not the first time Epic Games has made headlines for Fortnite-related lawsuits. Earlier this year, the company moved forward with a suit it had filed against a 14-year-old cheater. The two parties later settled, with the teen being forced to give up cheating or else risk a $5,000 fine.

Epic in recent weeks has stepped up its battle against cheaters. A little over a week ago, the company purchased anti-cheat company Kamu with hopes that the acquisition can help shore up some of the game's vulnerabilities.

