Red Dead Redemption 2 Has A Companion App

Video game companion apps have largely fallen by the wayside in recent years, but come Friday, you'll have the opportunity to use one with the season's most anticipated game release. Rockstar Games has unveiled its Red Dead Redemption 2 companion app, which will launch this Friday, Oct. 26 on iOS and Android.


The news comes courtesy of Rockstar's website, which goes into detail on what exactly is possible while using the app.

According to Rockstar, the companion app will serve a variety of functions. First and foremost, it displays the in-game map, which players can use to set waypoints and locate new areas to explore. It can also act as as sort of second screen that shows information about the lead character, Arthur Morgan. This enables you to remove the game's HUD without playing totally blind. And Rockstar states that the app "lets you examine Arthur's in-game journal," which undoubtedly plays a key role in Arthur's story.

For those who find they need a bit of extra help while playing Red Dead Redemption 2, the companion app has you covered there, too. A digital version of the game's official strategy guide can also be obtained using the app, though there's no word on whether that guide comes with a price tag.


It's worth noting that Red Dead Redemption 2 is said to a 60-hour campaign, which is a whole lot of game. So there's a chance the companion app — and perhaps, even the strategy guide — could come in handy should you get stuck during your adventure.

Fans of the Red Dead series have been waiting a long time for Red Dead Redemption 2. The previous game in the franchise, Red Dead Redemption, released all the way back in 2010. Red Dead Redemption 2 launches on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on Friday, Oct. 26.

