Alan Wake Is Coming Back To Digital Storefronts

In this day and age, something as simple as a music track can rob us of the ability to purchase older games. Fortunately, that will no longer be the case for Alan Wake. Remedy Entertainment announced on Twitter today that Microsoft had renegotiated the rights to a few songs used in Alan Wake, which means the game can once again be sold on digital storefronts.


You can buy Alan Wake right now on Steam, and according to Remedy, more stores are on the way. Since the game was PC and Xbox exclusive, it's a safe bet that the backward-compatible Xbox 360 version of Alan Wake will return to the Xbox Store sometime in the near future.

The game was delisted from digital storefronts last May due to the aforementioned licensing issues.

Alan Wake first hit the Xbox 360 way back in 2010, mixing light first-person shooting with a dark narrative centered around the disappearance of the title character's wife. Reviews of the game were generally positive, with GameSpot praising its "fantastic storytelling," and Kotaku going so far as to say that it didn't believe Alan Wake could be "topped" in the year of its release.


The game was apparently successful enough to inspire a digital-only spinoff game, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, which released in 2012 on Xbox 360 and PC.

If you're an Xbox player and you're looking forward to trying Alan Wake, you might want to consider another Remedy game in the interim. Quantum Break feels very similar to Alan Wake in a lot of ways, and delivers the same Remedy cocktail of shooting and storytelling. In fact, the two games may very well take place in the same universe. Several Easter eggs found inside Quantum Break reference Wake as an author that a university class is studying.

Alan Wake is available now on Steam, on sale, for $3.

