Smash Bros. Is Getting One Last Direct This Thursday

Nintendo isn't quite done with the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate news. In a Twitter post published today, the company instructed fans of the series to tune in on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 7:00 a.m. PST for a special Smash-focused Nintendo Direct. It's there that Nintendo will spill "roughly 40 minutes of new information" that could include anything from characters that might have been previously leaked to other new characters who are not named Waluigi.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai will serve as the Direct's host, though there's no word on whether or not he'll bring his purple and yellow chairs this time.

It's hard to imagine what more Nintendo could say about Smash that doesn't involve rounding out the game's roster. There are already way too many stages to count. There are enough music tracks included that you could play them back-to-back for 28 hours and not hear the same one twice. And Nintendo already took a good, hard look at most of the game's other features, such as the ability to morph between stages.

But there are definitely some characters that players wish had made the roster, and some fans that'll definitely cry, "Wah!" when their favorite doesn't make the cut.


One possible thing we could see, in addition to some potential new characters, is the rumored "Spirits" mode that fans seemed to uncover back in August. Nintendo showed several characters as spirits in past Directs — including a rather traumatizing Luigi death — but never got into why. That could help fill up those 40 minutes, because let's face it — that's a lot of time to introduce a few characters. Nintendo has to have something up its sleeve.

In addition to the Nintendo Direct this Thursday, Nintendo will also be hosting a Treehouse Live event. That stream will take place immediately after the Direct, and will feature gameplay not only of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but of Pokemon Let's Go — which launches in the middle of November — Yoshi's Crafted World, and Diablo 3: Eternal Edition.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate releases on Dec. 7, 2018.

