Fortnite's Retail Row Is Now An Online Store

Ever wished those Fortnite onesies were available for purchase in the real world? Epic Games just made your dreams come true. The company launched Retail Row today, an online merch shop that features Fortnite-inspired tees, sweatshirts, and yes — onesies.


There's some good news and some bad news with regard to Retail Row and the wares it offers. We'll start with the good.

Look at the Durrr Burger Onesie. This is about the most Fortnite thing Epic could sell in Retail Row, and for good reason. It's basically the Onesie skin found in Fortnite Season 7's Battle Pass — the one that unlocks at Tier 87 — but available for you to purchase and wear in real life. It's exactly the kind of thing that Epic should shoot for in the future. Fortnite is proudly weird, and the more merch Epic can offer to play that up, the better.

Is the onesie a tad overpriced at $70? Maybe. Is it kind of a bummer that it doesn't start shipping until January? Yeah, it is. But the Durrr Burger Onesie is arguably as cool in our realm as a skin is in the game's. And it might be just as sought after, if Epic plays its cards right.


Unfortunately, that onesie is the standout product in an otherwise barren store.

The bad news for the moment is that Retail Row doesn't have a whole lot to offer. And if you thought the Durrr Burger was expensive, then you probably shouldn't look at the tee prices ($25), and you definitely shouldn't look at the hoodie prices ($60). There's not a whole lot of imagination in the tees and sweatshirts, either. The most Fortnite-looking products available are the ones that have nothing but the Fortnite logo slapped onto them.

It just feels wrong that there isn't a Battle Bus tee, or an ugly Christmas sweater with a Merry Marauder on it. But the Retail Row shop is young, and hopefully, Epic will expand its stock and experiment with some new products in the future.

Fortnite's Retail Row shop is open right now.

