Tom Clancy Sale Kicks Off On Xbox Store

If you're a fan of shooters, the latest sale on the Xbox Store will be right up your alley. It's all about The Tom Clancy line of games from Ubisoft, including titles like Rainbow Six SiegeGhost Recon: Wildlands, and The Division.


To start, you can pick up Rainbow Six Siege for a cool $15. This game didn't have the best launch when it arrived in 2015, but it received improvements over the past few years and has drawn in a large, highly competitive player base as a result. Siege is now one the top games on Twitch, and is starting to make real inroads in the world of esports. Ubisoft seems committed to supporting Siege for the foreseeable future, which makes that $15 entry point a pretty good deal.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands doesn't quite look like the Ghost Recon games of old. It's an open-world third-person shooter that is faster paced than its predecessors, and it trades the more strategic elements of the series for more action-packed shootouts. It might not be your cup of tea if you're looking for a better looking version of the way Ghost Recon used to play, but if you're down for squad-based firefights in a large, explorable space, there's a whole lot to like about Ghost Recon: Wildlands. You can add this one to your collection for $15, as well.


And lastly, you'll find The Division on sale. This is a third-person cover-based shooter with some RPG elements, and is basically about as close as you'll get to a Destiny-type experience in a grounded, real-world setting. There's still a fun campaign to be had here, especially at the game's sale price. But you should be warned — we're just a few months away from The Division 2, and odds are, fans of the original will migrate over to that and leave the original Division's player count looking scant. If playing through the story sounds like something you want to do, or if you just want a taste of what The Division has to offer before the sequel drops, you can get it for just $10.

This Tom Clancy sale will come to an end next Tuesday, so you have a week to make an informed buying decision. Good luck.

