Everything Players Should Do Before 'Destiny 2' Season 5 Ends

Destiny 2 had quite the troubled roll-out back in 2017, but last fall's Forsaken expansion did a lot to fix the game's many flaws. Now we're several months past the launch of that campaign, staring down the barrel at the end of Season 5's content offerings. What do you need to do with Season 6 on the horizon? What loose ends do you need to tie up? Don't worry — we've got some advice for you.


To start, a major change is coming to Destiny 2's bounty system. Dating all the way back to the original Destiny, many players have been sitting on uncompleted bounties, hoping to get a jump on leveling up in the game's next content drop. That all changes with Season 6 of Destiny 2. No longer will you be able to turn in a bunch of completed bounties at the start of a new season and gain a few levels immediately. Instead, the light level cap for bounties will remain tied to the season they came from. So if you turn in a dozen bounties from Season 5, you'll get gear with a light level cap of 650. This means that everyone will start the grind toward the next end-game activity on equal footing, which will undoubtedly keep players from conquering that activity on day one. And it means you should turn in any bounties you have before the next season starts.


The next thing you should do is play Iron Banner, the game's limited-time PvP mode. Each season has brought us a new collection of Iron Banner armor pieces to collect, and that was no different in Season 5. Once Season 6 comes along, however, you'll have to say goodbye to the current Iron Banner gear sets. Bungie will move the Iron Fellowship pieces out of the way in order to make room for new gear to chase, so if you don't have full Iron Banner sets on your characters yet, time is running out. The good news is, Iron Banner is currently live and will stick around until the weekly reset next Tuesday. You have a little less than a week to secure whatever you haven't won from Lord Saladin, so you better get to it.

Next up, you might want to take a look at where you're at with any Crucible-related quests. There are pinnacle weapons attached to both the quickplay and competitive playlists in the Crucible, and various steps within these questlines require you to reach a certain rank. If you've already passed these steps, you're in the clear. If you haven't, though, the dawn of Season 6 will reset your Crucible rank, setting your progress back. If you don't want to start all over in your quest for that Luna's Howl, you might want to ensure you meet that (or any other) quest's requirements before Season 5 comes to an end.


There are also Triumphs. Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion gave players a whole new chase in the form of Triumphs, which ask players to complete certain tasks in order to gain Triumph points and, in some cases, acquire special seals and titles. There are specific Triumphs related to Season 5 of Destiny 2 in many of the game's various modes, and they'll only be obtainable as long as Season 5 is active. When the season ends, you'll have no way to travel back in time and complete these Triumphs. So you'll want to get these knocked out before next month comes and puts them in the past permanently.

And finally, you'll want to keep your eye on how you're doing with the Eververse-specific gear in your collection. You may care about these items or you may not. But a new season almost always means that the Eververse store gets a refresh, and Tess Everis tosses out the old stuff and stocks her shop with new armor pieces, emotes, sparrows, ships, weapon ornaments, armor ornaments, shaders, and Ghost projections. If you've had your eye on something in the Eververse, and you have the bright dust available to purchase it, now is the time to do so. In just a few weeks, that item will likely be gone.


Season 6 of Destiny 2 is set to kick off on March 5, which is a short time away. If you have chores that need finishing and items that need acquiring, there's no better time than the present.

