Kid Icarus, StarTropics Hit Nintendo Switch Online

Two new NES games are now available through Nintendo Switch Online, and according to Nintendo Life, they've arrived a day earlier than expected. Starting today, you can now play Kid Icarus and StarTropics, along with SP versions of Kirby's Adventure and Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link.


Kid Icarus is, of course the 1987 classic that first introduced us to Pit, who went on to star in two more Kid Icarus titles and can now be found on the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster. Kid Icarus is one of those old-school Nintendo franchises that has since faded out, not having received a new entry in quite some time. But thanks to the NES Online app that comes with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, you can either experience this early Nintendo Entertainment System title for the very first time, or dive back in if you haven't played Kid Icarus in decades.

And then there is StarTropics, a 1990 action-adventure title for the NES that, rather unusually, never hit the shores of Japan. It was made solely for the western market, and like so many classic video games of that time period, was the focus of a super cheesy commercial. You can watch it here and either tickle your nostalgia bone or be eternally grateful you weren't born in the '80s.


The addition of the two SP titles for Kirby's Adventure and Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link are pretty nice, too. The SP editions of games often give you more power or some tough-to-acquire items at the start, paving the road for you to complete the game more easily. Some older NES games are notorious for either being extremely difficult or tough to understand, so the SP versions give more people a chance to travel back in time and experience these titles in the best light possible. They're neat, and we hope Nintendo keeps them coming.

Both Kid Icarus and StarTropics, as well as the SP versions of Kirby's Adventure and Zelda 2 are ready to be played right now — all you have to do is let the NES Online app update on your Nintendo Switch.

