No Joke: Ubisoft Lets The Rabbids Loose In For Honor

If you're a For Honor player, today's about to get very weird for you. Ubisoft is doing the kind of crossover you never would've expected, unleashing its Rabbids into For Honor in one of the strangest yet most imaginative April Fools' Day events we've ever seen.


Push Square originally reported on this, and to be honest, we didn't believe it — not on a day like today. So we booted up For Honor ourselves, eager to see if the Rabbids were running around, making the game's otherwise dark world a little more wacky. Sure enough, they are.

In this limited-time event, your squad inside For Honor essentially gets a small army of Rabbids, as does the other team. They're easy to kill, which shouldn't come as a surprise given their small stature. But we couldn't help but marvel at how gosh darn adorable they looked decked out in their little armor sets, toting around their toilet brushes and plungers. They're certainly not going to turn the tide in any battle, but they're a welcome distraction for the short time the event is active.


A lot of companies try a little too hard to be funny on April Fools' Day. In terms of news, one could argue that April 1 is the worst day of the year, because we're forced to sift through headline after headline, wondering what's true and what is the doing of some social media branding expert who insists on doing an April Fools' Day joke. Not many companies are pulling it off well anymore. This is legitimately hilarious.

Ubisoft even tweaked the menu music and sound effects inside For Honor. How can you not appreciate that attention to detail? Plus it's real. Ubisoft didn't just throw up a Photoshopped image of armor-clad Rabbids and joke about putting them inside its ultra-serious fighting game. They actually did it. Well done.

The For Honor Rabbids event only runs until midnight tonight. So if you want to do battle alongside Ubisoft's crazy little creations, love them or hate them, you only have the rest of today to do so.

