Punch-Out!!, Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels Come To Switch This Month

Ready for a little retro action? Three more classic Nintendo titles are coming to the Nintendo Switch this month, courtesy of Nintendo Switch Online and the console's NES app.

The first — the one we're most excited about here — is Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream. Would we much rather have the Mike Tyson version of the game? Absolutely. But the heart and soul of Punch-Out!! is still alive and well in this one. These games are more or less fast-paced puzzle games, requiring you to crack each fighter's code in order to knock them out and progress further up the ladder. All for a chance to face off against the baddest man on the planet... Mr. Dream. Yeah, doesn't have the same ring to it.


Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels is also coming to the Switch, and to be quite honest, this one is a sight for sore eyes. The Lost Levels was originally Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan, and outside of the Wii and Wii U Virtual Consoles, Nintendo's not been too keen on bringing a clean version of The Lost Levels to the West. If you've played every Super Mario Bros. game but haven't touched The Lost Levels yet, you'll get your chance soon.

And lastly, Star Soldier makes its debut on the Switch's NES app. According to Nintendo, Star Soldier is "the standard for vertically scrolling shooters," all but perfecting that style of game way back in 1986. There have been many more Soldier games since then, but they've all had a tough time remaining as memorable as the original.


All three of the games in April's lineup – Punch-Out!!Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, and Star Soldier — will be available to download from Nintendo Switch Online's NES app on April 10. If you have some time to spare in the near future and you want a taste of the Nintendo Entertainment System's best games, the NES app is free with your Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

