Fortnite's Infinity Gauntlet Mode Could Soon Return

Fortnite is at its best when it leans into being outrageous. With that said, we have some good news to share: the game's Infinity Gauntlet mode could be coming back in the very near future.

The Twitter account for website recently datamined some new Kill Feed and Death Feed messages from a recent Fortnite update, and one Death Feed item in particular got a lot of attention. It references a player "yielding to the POWER of Thanos," the famous villain from recent Avengers films.


As it so happens, Fortnite ran an event last year around the time of Avengers: Infinity War's release that placed Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet onto the battlefield, allowing anyone who found it to instantly transform into Thanos himself. Fans loved it, and over the past year, there have been repeated calls to bring it back (to no avail).

So why now? Why would the Infinity Gauntlet mode come back nearly a year later? The next Avengers film, Endgame, comes out on April 26, and Thanos is still the big bad in the series. Which means now is the perfect time for Fortnite to do a little cross-promotion with Marvel and hype up the movie.

We can't say for sure when the mode might arrive. Last time around, a patch introduced the Infinity Gauntlet mode several weeks before Infinity War hit theaters. We're already at that point now for Endgame, so it's possible the in-game event could show up closer to the film's release than it did previously. Or, quite honestly, the Kill Feed message could just be a mistake — one that unfortunately presented itself just weeks before another Avengers film.


We'll be keeping a close eye on Fortnite in the days and weeks ahead, looking for more signs that the Infinity Gauntlet — and ultimately, Thanos — could invade Epic's battle royale shooter once more. Should we find anything, we'll let you know.

