Vader Immortal VR Series Brings You Face-To-Face With The Dark Lord Himself

Developers from Oculus and ILMxLab unveiled the first story trailer for Star Wars: Vader Immortal today at this year's Star Wars Celebration. 

Vader Immortal, an upcoming Star Wars virtual reality series written and produced by The Dark Knight's David S. Goyer, falls between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The story connects to Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire which takes place a few days prior to the events of Vader Immortal.


Players will act as the captain of the smuggling ship, Windfall. Captured in the opening moments of the game, the player is taken to Darth Vader's iconic castle on the world of Mustafar, which first appeared in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Vader has an unspecified task he wants the player to complete, and he won't take no for an answer.

A droid named Zoey, voiced by comedian Maya Rudolph, comes to the player's aid, accompanying them on their quest. Ending on a strong note the trailer teases a lightsaber battle with the Dark Lord. The team did not expand on the plot of the first episode, though Matt Martin, creative executive at Lucasfilm, revealed that fans could unearth clues in Marvel's Darth Vader comic book series.


Vader Immortal will also feature Lightsaber Dojo, an area where players can complete combat challenges. This mode is separate from the story portion of the game, giving players an open-ended place to train with their lightsabers free of outside threats or distractions.

Though initially announced for the Oculus Quest, the Star Wars Celebration Panel confirmed that the game will also be available on Rift platforms. Episode 1 of Vader Immortal does not have a release date, though it's being billed as a launch title for Oculus Quest. With Quest slated to arrive in spring 2019, Vader Immortal may debut within the next few months.

