Capcom's All-In-One Arcade Pad Comes With 16 Classics

Everyone else is doing an mini console — why not Capcom? The developer and publisher — which has a slew of popular arcade properties to its name — is now capitalizing on its library with a brand new product called Capcom Home Arcade.


According to a trailer uploaded by Capcom, the Home Arcade will pack 16 arcade classics into its large, standalone arcade pad. Want to best your high score in Mega Man: The Power Battle? You'll be able to do it. Interested in taking on a friend in Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting? You can do that, too, thanks to the pad's inclusion of two separate joysticks and button groups.

All in all, those purchasing the Capcom Home Arcade will have access to 1944: The Loop MasterAlien Vs. PredatorArmored WarriorsCapcom Sports ClubCaptain CommandoCyberbots: Full Metal MadnessDarkstalkers: The Night WarriorsEco FightersFinal FightGhouls 'N GhostsGigawingMega Man: The Power BattleProgearStreet Fighter 2: Hyper FightingStrider; and Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo.


There are likely some notable omissions here for hardcore Capcom fans, but the build quality looks pretty solid, and we can definitely envision folks building their own personal arcade cabinets around this system.

Now, are you ready for the bad news? Because there is definitely bad news.

First things first — the Capcom Home Arcade is only being promoted in Europe at this time, though we can't imagine it won't eventually make its way to the U.S. If it does, there's always the opportunity for Capcom to change the lineup a bit, so that's a positive. But here's the other rub: this thing is insanely expensive. It's going to ring up at 230 euros, which translates to around $260. There's a chance this thing could cost more than the rumored all-digital Xbox One, and while some might appreciate the authentic arcade joysticks, is that authenticity worth the price of a current-generation console? Yikes.

We'll have to wait and see what this looks like when it comes to the United States — sorry, if it comes to the United States. As cool as it is, the Capcom Home Arcade's current price isn't going to do it any favors. But who knows! Maybe it'll find a niche audience.

The Capcom Home Arcade releases in Europe on Oct. 25.


