BioWare Isn't Bailing On Anthem, Says Lead Producer

Fans of shared-world RPG Anthem got some startling news this week, as reports claimed that a lot of talent was shifting over to BioWare's next title, Dragon Age 4. According to Anthem's lead producer, however, there's nothing to worry about.


In a Twitter post, Michael Gamble — the lead producer of Anthem — addressed concerns that support for the game would be winding down.

"There's been a lot of (incorrect) speculation on this," Gamble said. "The studio's support and commitment to Anthem HAS. NOT. CHANGED."

Chad Robertson, the head of Live Service at BioWare, also echoed similar sentiments, stating: "We remain 100% committed to Anthem and look forward to showing players the new content we are working on. We want to make sure we aren't overpromising, so our updates on what's coming in the game will be focused when we have things near completion."

The news about staff moving over to work on Dragon Age 4 followed a rather rough period for Anthem, which recently delayed a lot of its post-launch content. The people working on the game at BioWare have also been uncharacteristically quiet, making players feel uneasy about the future of the title. And a recent piece by Kotaku's Jason Schreier — which got employees to speak anonymously about the game's issues — didn't paint a very pretty picture of BioWare or the way Anthem's development was managed.


Fortunately, it looks like EA and BioWare aren't ready to call it quits on Anthem just yet. But one has to wonder if Michael Gamble's comments are technically accurate yet still not admitting the full truth. It's entirely possible that BioWare still plans to keep a team for ongoing Anthem content. But has that team decreased in size at all, thanks to the departure of those moving over to Dragon Age 4? And has any of Anthem's future content — the stuff not on the roadmap — been altered in any way?

The odds of us getting answers to those questions are fairly slim. But we'll certainly be watching Anthem very closely over the coming weeks and months to try and get a sense of where the game is headed.

