Dreams Player Recreates Metal Gear Solid In HD

The Dreams early access period is still rolling on, and players have been putting together some truly impressive projects. However, this latest creation from YouTuber Bearly Regal might take the cake — especially if you're still down about Hideo Kojima's departure from Konami.


Bearly Regal is working on an HD update to the classic Metal Gear Solid, which released on the original PlayStation in 1998. And in Dreams, a sort of imagination workshop for the creative, he's managed to piece together a pretty convincing homage to Solid Snake and his time on Sony's first console. There's not a lot to go on past the look, but it's tough to say that Bearly Regal hasn't nailed the feeling of bringing a PlayStation favorite to the PlayStation 4 while still keeping its aesthetic intact.

Just look at the way the camera snaps down while Snake is taking cover. Truly some terrific work there.

But Bearly Regal's video contains some pretty interesting info on top of his Dream project's footage. He explains a bit about why things look the way they do, singling out the crates, for example, as something he had to rebuild with less detail because he was bumping into memory constraints inside Dreams. And he notes that Snake does look much less detailed than he might in a true HD reimagining of Metal Gear Solid, but states that he played with a few different looks before landing on one that captured the essence of the original title while not devouring all of the system's resources.


In other words, Bearly Regal is making the same kind of concessions that professionals might when developing for a major platform. Dreams is giving video game players the opportunity to become video game developers, and is forcing them to see how games are made through a totally different lens. It's enlightening, to say the least, and it might cause some to be a little more forgiving the next time a game launches with bugs or has to downgrade its visuals a bit.

If you're interested in making your own title, Dreams Creator Early Access is available in the PlayStation Store for $29.99. The full version of Dreams does not yet have a release date.

