Epic Games Store Launches Its First-Ever Epic Mega Sale

The Steam Summer Sale isn't for another month, but its newest competitor is now having a sale of its own. The Epic Games Store is kicking off its Epic Mega Sale today, offering discounts on a number of titles and giving away even more free games.


As part of the sale, Epic is taking as much as 75% off many of the titles in its store. On top of that, every game listed at $15 or more in the Epic Games Store is getting an instant $10 off. There are some pretty great deals in here, such as The Walking Dead: The Final Season for $5, and Shadow Complex Remastered for $3.74. And Epic's pledge to knock $10 off of any game priced at $15 or more also extends to preorders, so if you're interested in picking up Borderlands 3 or Control for $50, now's the time.

Along with all of the discounts, Epic is turning up the speed at which it releases free games. During the Epic Mega Sale, the store will offer a free game every week instead of every two weeks. The already-planned Stories Untold starts things off, and then next Thursday, a brand new freebie will take its place.


The Epic Games Store doesn't have quite the inventory that Steam does, so the pickings are relatively slim in Epic's shop. Otherwise, this is a surprisingly competitive sale; one that serves as a good sign for how these sales could go in the future.

Oh, and one more note for those who might've preordered a game prior to the sale. Epic has every intention of giving you the $10 discount anyway, so you can expect to see a credit on your payment method of choice within the next 7-12 days.

If you aren't quite ready to type those credit card numbers in just yet, fear not. The Epic Mega Sale lasts an awfully long time, wrapping in nearly a month on June 13. That's a few solid weeks to save up and purchase anything that might interest you. And along the way, you'll get at least four or five free games.

We'll keep you up to speed on any other news related to the Epic Games Store and its sale.

