Sea Of Solitude Gets A Release Date: July 5

Things have been pretty quiet for Sea of Solitude since the game was shown off at last year's E3. Fortunately, it looks like that'll change in the months ahead.

Gematsu is reporting that July 5, 2019 is the official release date for Sea of Solitude, giving those interested in the EA Originals title a date to mark in their calendars. And as far as we can tell, that date gives the game some breathing room (a bit of solitude, perhaps) when compared to other major titles dropping in the summer. Most of EA's other games come later in the year — and they're mostly sports, for better or worse — and as far as games from other publishers are concerned, the closest one worth mentioning is Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, which arrives on July 19.


In other words, some fairly clear skies are ahead for Sea of Solitude's release.

The game was a standout at EA's E3 event in 2018, thanks in no small part to the presentation by its lead producer, Cornelia Geppert (seriously, watch a clip of it here and tell us that's not someone you're rooting for). The art shown off so far is in a word, gorgeous. It appears Sea of Solitude will sell for $19.99, which is a fairly affordable title from EA, all things considered. And the game is slated to hit three different platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. So there are plenty of ways to play it, should you choose to partake.

Gosh, we really wish there was a Switch version, though. EA's done well to get smaller titles like Unravel 2 onto the system, along with its hottest seller, FIFA. We can't help but feel like Sea of Solitude would fit right in with some of the more indie-feeling titles the Switch is known for. Hopefully EA can work some magic and get a port over to Nintendo's console sometime in the future.


According to the game's website, "Sea of Solitude takes you on a personal journey of a young woman's loneliness." And that woman, Kay, will "Dare to look what lies beneath the surface, in a haunting struggle of darkness and light, and discover what it truly means to be human." We can hardly wait.

Sea of Solitude arrives on July 5 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

