Super Mario Maker 2 Unlocks Most Building Tools From The Get-Go

Super Mario Maker was a landmark title for Nintendo's Wii U, giving die-hard Mario fans a chance to build their very own levels (and drive their friends mad in the process). One unfortunate misstep, however, had to do with the game's building tools; many were locked away at the start, forcing players to earn them over time.


That's a mistake that will not be made again in Super Mario Maker 2.

A report from GameSpot states that most of Super Mario Maker 2's building tools will be unlocked on day one, doing away with nonsensical progression in favor of giving players access to every new item, mechanism, and stage introduced in the sequel. This means that as soon as players pop in their cartridge, they'll have access to more slopes, angry suns, and Koopa shells than they can lay their pointers on.

One thing that will need to be unlocked is the night theme, but that's relatively easy. All players have to do is drop an angry sun into a stage and choose its moon variant. Just like that, it's nighttime, and the night theme can be activated at any time going forward.


While we're thrilled that many of Super Mario Maker 2's tools won't require unlocks, we're less than thrilled about some other news regarding the game. You know that really neat Super Mario Maker 2-themed stylus that Europe is getting? We learned by way of USgamer that the stylus isn't making the trip overseas, leaving players here with much less stylish options as a result. And Super Mario Maker 2's online multiplayer — which looks positively bonkers — won't allow for friends to link up, instead limiting that mode to random matchmaking. That one is a true shame.

Otherwise, Super Mario Maker 2 looks to be what fans have been asking for ever since the Switch arrived without a port of the first game. We'll be anxiously awaiting its release on June 28.

