The Surge 2 Gets A September Release Date

The Surge 2 now has a release date: September 24, 2019. Wccftech spotted the date yesterday on the Australian Microsoft Store, giving the impression that someone had jumped the gun. Other regions have since fallen into line, with a launch and pre-order announcement appearing on Steam earlier today.


Fans can purchase The Surge 2 for $59.99 on Xbox One or $49.99 on Steam. Anyone who pre-orders will receive the URBN Gear Pack, which includes:

  • Warren's most iconic weapon from The Surge: the well-used Cutter
  • The full-body URBN armor set
  • The URBN Judgement Axe
  • The URBN Skimmer Drone
  • The Lootscan.exe Radar Module
  • A unique online message icon

The sequel to Deck13's 2017 sci-fi action RPG, The Surge 2 centers on the devastated city of Jericho. To survive, you must explore the remnants of the settlement, fighting your way through hordes of robots and armored soldiers, all while weathering the mysterious nanostorm that downed your plane and stranded you there. "With an expanded arsenal of weapons, armors, abilities, implants, and drones to build your character, and a bigger, more varied and more ambitious world, The Surge 2 challenges you to survive and unravel its hidden secrets," says the Steam description.


Like its predecessor, players will have to tear the limbs from their opponents to loot their equipment using the expanded limb-targeting system. The Surge 2 also promises brutal, unforgiving combat, colossal bosses, and rich character progression and customization options. Players can expect larger and more ambitious levels thanks to Deck13's upgraded engine.

The Surge received mixed reviews following its launch in May 2017.  Critics praised its combat and crafting system, yet, frustrating boss fights and a mediocre plot stopped the game from reaching its full potential. Though The Surge shares many similarities with Dark Souls, it stands on its own, pulling out enough unique twists to pave the way for a sequel.

