EA's FIFA 20 Officially Has A Release Date

We weren't expecting more news on FIFA 20 until the game's EA Play stream tomorrow at 11 a.m. PT. It seems, however, that EA decided to toss the game's release date out there anyway.

In a trailer hyping up tomorrow's event, we got a few seconds of intense music, quick camera cuts, motivational speech, and a solid release date for FIFA 20: Sept. 27, 2019. That's a pretty typical release date for the series, which always seems to drop a new entry in late September. And aside from that, we're completely in the dark as to what'll be coming in the latest iteration of EA's uber-successful soccer sim.


For what it's worth, you should get a healthy dose of information during the game's EA Play stream. It'll only last about a half hour (before EA ushers it out of the room to make way for Madden), so you won't have to devote a lot of time to it. Will you get all the details on the game, though? That remains to be seen. We wouldn't be surprised if EA holds some FIFA-related events over the course of the summer as the game gets closer to release. There is a World Cup happening very soon, after all, and that is some prime marketing territory.

We do expect to hear about the platforms FIFA 20 will be coming to tomorrow, and normally, that's not something that would be up in the air. Google Stadia changes that, as we noticed during the Stadia stream yesterday that EA is listed as a partner. And there's always the question — despite its success — of whether FIFA will continue coming out on the Nintendo Switch. If we don't get some news on that front, we'd be very surprised.


We'll have eyes on all of EA Play as it's happening tomorrow, and we'll be breaking down everything that occurred once EA's stream cuts off. Check back then for more.

