Fallout Shelter Is Coming To Tesla; Yes, Seriously

Bethesda put The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on Amazon's family of Alexa devices; why not put Fallout Shelter inside your Tesla?

It's coming, according to an announcement made today. During an E3 panel taking place on the event's final afternoon, Game Awards host Geoff Keighley sat down with Tesla's Elon Musk and Bethesda's Todd Howard to chit chat about all sorts of interesting things. And as it so happens, the pairing of Musk and Howard wasn't pure serendipity.


"We are working on Fallout Shelter for the cars," Howard stated, bringing up the fact that Tesla was starting to allow games to be installed on its Tesla dashboard OS. "It'll be free, and you'll have your little Dwellers in the screen like they live in the car."

The news, of course, came a few seconds after Howard mentioned that he and Musk were working together on something, and someone from the audience yelled, "Skyrim!" It appears the meme of Bethesda putting Skyrim on just about everything will never die.

Say what you will about Bethesda porting Fallout Shelter over to Tesla, but the game will actually not be alone when it arrives. There are a number of Atari classics playable on Tesla, for instance. And even Cuphead is reportedly making the jump to a number of Tesla cars. Tesla's dashboard OS is, by all accounts, some form of Linux, so it's not totally outrageous that software could easily be ported over to it. But games? Playing games in a car? Someone must've gone back and watched The Fast and the Furious again.


Since the announcement of Fallout Shelter for Tesla is the today kind of fresh, we don't have any word on when the game will get a release. And to be quite honest, we don't know if it'll get a splashy release when it does arrive. It could very well just show up on Tesla's little shop when it's done, leaving Bethesda to tackle some of the larger projects it has in the pipeline.

No, we're not talking about The Elder Scrolls 6 or Starfield. We're talking about the Skyrim port for Tesla. It is coming, right?

