Code Vein 'Great Sword' Trailer Drops, Doesn't Disappoint

Want a video game trailer that delivers on what it's advertising? Check out the new one for Bandai Namco's Code Vein called "Great Sword."

The folks at Gematsu made us aware of the trailer's existence today, and let's just say: there is a sword, it is great, and wow, are we ever excited to start swinging it at bad guys this September.


From what we can see in the trailer, the Great Sword isn't going to be the fastest melee weapon in the world. There's a long wind-up as well as a noticeable weight to the sword, which will prevent you from following up quickly. But it's also become clear upon viewing this trailer that the Great Sword is – we're sorry — an absolute unit. It is enormous. It likely offers a lot more range than other weapons you'll come across in the game. And the best part? The size of the Great Sword makes it possible to strike multiple enemies at once. This thing is going to be a crowd killer.

And look at what it's doing to the larger enemies, too! You'll undoubtedly have to take more care in timing your blows with the Great Sword. But it looks like you'll be rewarded with some major damage in return.


It's nice to hear about Code Vein again, by the way. We singled the game out as the next big RPG no one was talking about months ago, and to be honest, that prediction was starting to feel a little bit shaky when we entered 2019 and the game still didn't have a release date. Fortunately, we got one during E3 this year, so now we can worry less about whether or not Code Vein will actually see the light of day and instead look forward to playing it.

Code Vein arrives for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Sept. 27, 2019. Should we gather some more information about the game prior to its release, we'll be sure to share it.

