How To Play With Friends In Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

You can tackle pretty much everything in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on your own, but the game is much more fun (and the rewards are much more lucrative) if you team up with a few friends to take on the many challenges of the wizarding world. Here's how you add friends and work together in Niantic's game.


The first thing you'll want to do is populate your friends list. You do this by tapping the "Add Friend" button near the bottom left of the main screen. It looks like two wizards standing next to one another. From there, you'll tap "Add Friend," and you will see a screen that displays your Friend Code and a text box for you to input other Friend Codes.

You can share your Friend Code directly from this screen, copy it to your clipboard to post it elsewhere, or input the Friend Codes of others to send them an invite.

To take on Wizard Challenges together, you and your friend (or friends) must be physically near the same fortress; fortresses are those big, red-roofed castles on the map. One player enters and uses a runestone, and that will open a lobby for up to four other players to enter. Each player fights a one on one battle against their chosen enemy. You can also use your Strategic Spells to help your friends in their fights.


Tackling fortresses with people on your friends list is a good idea: it gives you better rewards, like more XP, if you take on a fortress with your friends.

