Destiny 2 Players Now Believe The Gjallarhorn Is Coming Back

If you want to toy with a Destiny fan's heart, you mention the Gjallarhorn, and then you wait for the smile or the messy river of tears.

The Gjallarhorn was once the top prize in the first Destiny; the gun that everyone sought. Now some believe it could be coming back to Destiny 2. According to Polygon, dataminers have managed to locate what appears to be another exotic quest in Destiny 2's data, this time for a rocket launcher. On top of that, there's also evidence that a Solar Week could be on the horizon, similar to the Arc Week Destiny 2 hosted a few months back.


You can likely see where the dots are being connected now. There's a potential exotic quest for a rocket launcher. There's believed to be a Solar Week coming in the future. The Gjallarhorn was a solar exotic rocket launcher. Could it be? Should we all hop on our Sparrows and attempt to blow their Gjallar Horns, only to remember that Sparrows don't have horns anymore?

Don't let the hype consume you just yet.

There was another solar exotic rocket launcher in the first Destiny, as Polygon so rightly pointed out. Dragon's Breath was a rather forgettable weapon to start, but after some updates, actually became something worth using thanks to its delayed release napalm. There are fans who would love to see it return, too. It seems like kind of a head scratcher that Bungie would go right back to another rocket launcher after the exotic quest for Truth a few weeks back, but if there is indeed another exotic rocket launcher quest queued up, it could just as easily be Dragon's Breath instead of Gjallarhorn.


We'll definitely have our eyes on Destiny 2 over the next few weeks to see what happens. You can trust, however, that if the Gjallarhorn actually does make a comeback, you will probably hear about it online. It'll be that big a deal.

