Marvel's Avengers Gameplay Reveal Set For San Diego Comic-Con

It appears Square Enix is finally ready to show some gameplay from Marvel's Avengers. But not to everyone, unfortunately.

DualShockers is reporting that gameplay for Marvel's Avengers will be unveiled later this month at San Diego Comic-Con; the first time the general public will ever see the game in action. If you're planning to attend, good for you! You'll get an up-close look at the way Avengers plays and get to come away with some early first impressions. If you're not planning on making the trip to San Diego, however, you're out of luck. Square Enix is reportedly keeping the gameplay footage exclusive to Comic-Con, which means there won't be a live stream, and video probably won't be released more widely for some time.


This might actually be a smart move, though.

Marvel's Avengers left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans after Square Enix showed it off during E3. Whether it was just bad timing — the announcement happening in close proximity to the release of Endgame — or the game is just really off track character-wise, we can't say. But San Diego Comic-Con will likely play host to some of the most invested (and dare we say, critical) Marvel fans in existence. If Marvel's Avengers can put on a good showing there and win back some of the nonbelievers, Square Enix might be able to tilt public sentiment about the title back in its favor.

We can't imagine the public at large won't get a look at Avengers gameplay sometime after Comic-Con. That is, unless things go poorly. But Square Enix is probably banking on that not being the case. It'll give the Marvel hardcore a sneak peak that no one else gets to see, which will score it some points. And then it'll hope fans come away satisfied and get to spreading the word about how awesome Avengers looks.


We'll be on the lookout for reactions to the Marvel's Avengers gameplay footage online (or some leaked video please) and report back with what we find. Stay tuned.

