Dota Underlords Gets Battle Pass, New Heroes On The Way

Dota Underlords, Valve's entry in the growing auto chess genre, has received a prototype battle pass.

The aptly named Proto Pass released to beta players for free over the weekend. Valve intends to use beta feedback to perfect the Dota Underlords Season 1 Battle Pass before it goes live. "Like many aspects of the beta, the Proto Pass is a learning experience for the Underlords team," said the publisher on the official website, "so please keep the feedback coming so that we can adjust plans for our Season 1 Battle Pass accordingly."


With the Proto Pass, players can unlock unique banners, emotes, and a new board type by playing games and completing challenges on a daily and weekly basis. Every level you reach comes with its own reward, such as the Path to Sunbreeze board unlocked at level 5. Other rewards include win streak effects, respawn effects, banners, firework effects, standards, and portrait rings.

The Season 1 Battle Pass is not the only exciting release looming on the horizon. A recent datamine revealed references to several Dota 2 heroes, suggesting that Dota Underlords players will soon have a much more robust lineup of characters and cosmetics to choose from. Performed by Tyler McVicker, the man behind the unofficial Valve News Network YouTube channel, the datamine turned up references, skins, and models for 16 Dota 2 characters in total. The list includes: Chen, Clinkz, Dark Seer, Dazzle, Earthshaker, Pangolier, Riki, Rubick, Spectre, Storm Spirit, Sven, Undying, Vengeful Spirit, Weaver, and Zeus.


How these heroes will fit into the game remains unknown, with some closer to fruition than others. Storm Spirit, for example, has both a model and skin hidden among the game files. McVicker also uncovered hints at gameplay options such as a replay feature and Turbo mode. Some Underlords were also present, boasting models at various stages of development. The streamer believes the Underlords will replace the couriers found in the original Dota Auto Chess mod.

