Rage 2's Second Update Arrives July 25

It may feel like Rage 2 came and went, but the team behind the game is still working on updates for it. The first arrived back in June, and the second, which adds some new modes and quality-of-life improvements, is set for a July release.


A tweet from the Rage 2 Twitter account states that the game's second update will become available on Thursday, July 25. And in it, you'll find a couple of new difficulty modes: New Game+, Iron Man, and Ultra-Nightmare. It's presumed that New Game+ will enable you to start Rage 2 over again with the powers and upgrades you've already obtained, which could make the campaign a fun romp the second time around. Iron Man and Ultra-Nightmare, however, just sound like the base game made harder. If that's your cup of tea, you might enjoy this update.

Some quality-of-life changes are also coming to Rage 2 in this next update. The developers felt it important to note that the game will soon have a flashlight, which apparently some players were asking for. You'll be able to skip Ark tutorials, as well, which will undoubtedly please whoever is speedrunning this title. And the Rage 2 Twitter account promises there is "more" coming in the update, though we don't have the faintest idea what that "more" is just yet.


To set expectations, though, whatever else could come in the update wasn't worth mentioning over the flashlight. So if you're unmoved by Rage 2 getting a new source of light, the rest of the update might not thrill you, either.

Rage 2 received fairly average reviews when it came out back in May. The shooting mechanics are great, as are the abilities. The world is a little boring, however, and there's not a lot of story to be had. Still, if you just wanna shoot bad guys and the occasional monster, Rage 2 can scratch that itch. Oh, and it's getting a flashlight soon.

Rage 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

