Overwatch Adds Sigma, The Game's 31st Hero

We're honestly not sure who to credit with this news. After all, Mexico's pro Overwatch team apparently leaked the new hero last week before anyone else had a clue. We can now confirm, however, that the 31st hero in Overwatch is Sigma, the kind of astrophysicist you won't be hearing on StarTalk anytime soon.


Gematsu reports that Blizzard uploaded a new origin story video for Sigma today, sealing his fate as the newest hero in the game. And it does the tiniest bit to reveal who Sigma is and how he received his powers. According to Blizzard, Sigma is "an eccentric astrophysicist who hopes to unlock the secrets of the universe, unaware he's been turning into a living weapon." And the video does show some of that; however, there appears to be far more to the story, and you can bet Blizzard will be fleshing it all out as time goes on.

Aside from Sigma's existence, unfortunately, we don't have much else to share about the character. Blizzard states he is "coming soon," so there's a chance he could wind up on the game's PTR within the next few days or weeks, with a wider release coming sometime after. But we don't have any of the juicy details on what kind of role Sigma will play, nor do we know about his abilities or his ultimate. Cliffhangers aren't fun, but that's pretty much what we got today; at least until Sigma becomes playable and we can dive in and get a closer look ourselves.


Sigma isn't the only new thing coming to Overwatch, by the way. Blizzard recently announced Role Queue, which is already live on PTR and will be implemented for all players at the beginning of September.

The Overwatch Summer Games are live now and wrap up on Aug. 5. So if you've been looking for a reason to dive back in and play, that's one. We'll update you should more news arrive about a potential release date for Sigma.

