Introducing The All-Inclusive Console

PC manufacturer Origin recently celebrated its 10th birthday, but not with a party; at least, not one we were invited to. Instead, the company put together the most outrageous gaming rig imaginable. And when we say it plays all the newest games, we really mean all of them.


Dubbed the "Big O" by Origin, this machine has everything required to play PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch titles. It's the one box you need to sample everything the current generation has to offer, and it even manages to look good while packing in all that hardware.

The PC side is appropriately beefy, according to Kotaku. Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One get upgrades in the form of larger SSD hard drives and liquid cooling. And the Switch; well, the dock is there. There's really not much Origin could've done without breaking that system's most important feature: the ability to "Switch." Never mind the fact that Nintendo's managed to break that itself already.

If we had to pick out one thing we don't like about the Big O, it's the fact that there's no actual way to buy it, or even toss your own hardware into some kind of pre-made case if you already have the systems at home. The Big O is but a viral marketing tool; a way for Origin to get written about on its birthday. Whoever dreamed this up deserves a pat on the back.


Origin should really make something like this, though. If it were a tad bit smaller, it would actually make a fantastic travel box for those who are lugging their consoles around separately.

This good idea intended as a joke isn't the only headline Origin's managed to grab today, by the way. It was announced this morning that Origin was acquired by Corsair, joining Elgato, which Corsair acquired last year.

