Ninja Wrestles Instagram Account Back From Hacker

Tyler "Ninja" Blevins is a popular Twitch streamer and an influencer online. And it seems someone was hoping to use Ninja's clout to make themselves some money.

Game Rant reports that a hacker managed to take over Ninja's Instagram account for a short time today, uploading photos promising free iPhones and Fortnite V-Bucks, and sending users to a website full of malware. One image was taken down only to be replaced by another, as Ninja and his wife, Jessica, seemingly battled to regain control of the account and lock the hacker out.


Eventually the duo prevailed, leading Jessica to tweet out a short and sweet update. "Ninja Instagram recovered." It's unclear at this time who might've been behind the hack, or if Ninja plans to file a police report and pursue the matter any further.

These types of hacks are, unfortunately, not all that uncommon. There are an unsettling number of ways someone can gain access to another's social accounts online, whether it's through phishing, locating a username and password set leaked out after a security breach, or by some other means. Most social networking accounts allow for two-factor authentication, where a special code is sent by text message or push notification, adding an extra layer of security should someone obtain your username and password. But some find the extra step to be a hassle, thus leaving their accounts more vulnerable to outsiders.


Instagram, for the record, does offer two-factor authentication. And one Twitter user was pretty quick to remind Ninja of this fact.

"Dude... don't make your password generic, and turn on two factor authentication," the user said. "[T]his isn't rocket science."

Fellow Twitch streamer Dr. Disrespect was also hacked this year, temporarily losing access to both his Twitch and Twitter accounts.

We'll update you should any further news break.

