Borderlands 3: How To Customize Your Outfit

Borderlands 3 is a game full of choices. What guns will you use? Which character should you play? What abilities should I use with that character? You'll make many snap decisions in your hours of shooting and looting, but there's one that should never be taken lightly: what will your Vault Hunter look like?


Like previous Borderlands games, every character has various skins and heads you can collect on your journey. Some of these options are obtainable just by completing various missions throughout your journey. For example, completing the mission "Hostile Takeover" (on Promethea) awards Amara with the Ectoplasmic skin. Another avenue to gather skins is by killing enemies, which is how we came across Amara's Trippie Hippie skin.

To put it simply, just by playing the game, you'll organically find cosmetics for your Vault Hunter. If you're looking for something specific, swing by Crazy Earl's shop after you get Sanctuary up and running. He only accepts Eridium, but his selection is worth a look. It's the only place to get a mustachioed version of your Vault Hunter.


Once you've amassed a pile of skins and heads, go to a Quick Change Station. You can often find these near fast travel spots, like the one on Sanctuary. Here, you can equip the skins and heads you've found. Furthermore, you can go beyond the stock options and customize the color palette of your skins, making them more uniquely your own.

To further cement your personality into Borderlands 3, pick out your own emotes and the design on your ECHO device. Both of these can be purchased from Crazy Earl. Now, even if you aren't the only Siren in town, you'll still stand out.

