Greedfall: How To Romance Companions

Companions play a key role in Greedfall, accompanying you into battle and affecting your standing with and access to the game's various factions. Ignore or insult a companion and you could transform them into a bitter rival, but treat them well, and they will stay by your side until the bitter end. Spiders has also included the option to engage in a romantic relationship with four of your five companions, which you can pursue through specific dialogue choices and by completing a three-part quest. Petrus, the Theleme ambassador, is not open to a relationship, but Vasco, Kurt, Aphra, and Siora are all fair game.



Only a female De Sardet can romance Kurt. To initiate the relationship, complete the following quests and choose the appropriate dialogue options:

After "Missing in Action," select: "Tell him that is was so that you could understand him better."

After "Amongst the Ghosts," select: "Tell him about a childhood memory with Constantin."

After "Settling Scores," select: "Tell him you hope you will be a part of it."

Speak to him again to unlock the "Guardian of Love" achievement.


A male or female De Sardet can romance Vasco. To initiate the relationship, complete the following quests and choose the appropriate dialogue options:

After "A Name for a Family," select: "Ask him if he has any happy memories."


After "Family Reunion," select: "Tell him that this encounter allowed him to assert himself."

After "Forever a Naut," select: "Tell him that you wish you could sail with him again."

Speak to him again to unlock the "Love and the Sea" achievement.


Only a male De Sardet can romance Aphra. To initiate the relationship, complete the following quests and choose the appropriate dialogue options:

After "Islander Knowledge," select: "Talk to her about the two youths."

After "Cave of Knowledge," select: "Tell her that you feel as if you have learned a lot."

After "The Linking Ritual," select: "Tell her you hope that you will be a part of it."

Speak to her again to unlock the "Love and Botany" achievement.


A male or female De Sardet can romance Siora. To initiate the relationship, complete the following quests and choose the appropriate dialogue options:

After "Find Queen Bladnid," select: "Tell her about having to say goodbye to your own mother."

After "Promises Set in Stone," select: "Tell her it seems logical, given their culture." You will fail this quest if you accept the bribe and double down when Siora calls you on it. If this happens, she will permanently leave your party, so take care with the choices you make if you want to romance her.


After "The Queen's Farewell," select: "Tell her that you would understand if she had to help her people." 

Speak to her again to unlock the "Minudhanem" achievement.

