How Long Does It Take To Beat Grid?

Fans of arcade racers, take note: the latest in the popular GRID series is coming out fairly soon, and judging by early reviews of the game, it's a credit to its genre. Not only that, it includes a decently sized career mode. So you may be wondering: how long does GRID take to beat? We've got the answer for you here.


According to Gaming Bolt, "After some of the best races, your 20-25 hour career will feel manageable, but in a lot of other cases, it'll feel like you'll never get there." And that sentence is somehow praise for the game, as well as criticism, as well as an idea of how long it'll take to get through the campaign. We don't have other reviewer completion times to compare this one to, unfortunately, because they're not typically included in reviews about racers. And the game's general retail release has not yet happened, so most non-critics have yet to get their hands on it.

With that in mind, we have to take what we've got and assume it'll take most players between 20 and 25 hours to race through GRID's career mode.


How does that compare to past GRID titles? The original GRID (released in 2008) took players approximately 21 hours to finish. GRID 2, which came a few years later in 2013, offered a shorter experience at around 18 hours for the campaign. And the franchise's most recent entry, GRID Autosport, really cranked up the playtime, including a campaign that took roughly 33 hours to knock out.

It's safe to say this GRID reboot falls right the middle of past racing experiences from Codemasters, which means those who've enjoyed the series in the past should find a lot to like about this latest release. And the best part? If you're interested in GRID, you don't have much longer to wait. The game comes to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Oct. 11. A Google Stadia version is planned for the future, as well.

