Dr Disrespect Shows Off His Modern Warfare Map Design

Once a map designer, always a map designer, it seems. It's been several years since Guy Beahm — better known as Dr Disrespect — worked on Call of Duty multiplayer maps for Sledgehammer Games. But it looks like the Doc never lost his talent; at least, not if the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare map he showed off on Twitter is any indication.


Dr Disrespect designed the map as part of Blocktober, a sort of online event that celebrates the art of level design in video games. And according to the Doc, the map (which is unnamed, as far as we're aware) was tailored specifically for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's 2v2 Gunfight mode. In a tweet, the streamer showed off a very early version of the map, as well the final render, which is far more detailed. And you know what? The map actually gives us some serious Halo 3 Reflection vibes, with the wooden floors and the little bit of nature present indoors.


We actually wish we could play a few rounds of Gunfight on the Doc's map, as it's clear a lot of thought went into the layout. Unfortunately, that's probably not going to happen. The map design was simply a way for Dr Disrespect to take part in Blocktober and travel back in time for a bit to his previous gig. There's no indication that Infinity Ward plans to include the map in Modern Warfare, and to be honest, it doesn't appear as though the Doc is pushing for that outcome (which is actually surprising if you know who Dr Disrespect is at all).

Of course, if something changes and Modern Warfare ends up getting this map, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, we'll be brainstorming some names for it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare comes to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Oct. 25, 2019.

