BioShock Creator Now Working On An 'Immersive Sim' Game

BioShock creator Ken Levine has been busy working on something after BioShock Infinite's release in 2013. Now we're starting to get a sense of what that game might be, thanks to a job post from Levine's new studio, Ghost Story Games.


According to the job post, Levine's next project is something in the "immersive sim genre." And in terms of the kind of person Levine and his crew want, it seems they're after a "Cinematic Scripter with recent Unreal 4 (or similar visual scripting) experience." Long story short: they want someone who can put together some really nice cinematics. That jives with what Levine has said about his project in the past, in that his next game is going to be very narrative focused.

Now, what is an immersive sim, you ask? Pretty much the description that every kind of sim game is shooting for. Madden is an immersive football sim. Forza Motorsport is an immersive driving sim. We do know that Levine's next game is going to take place in the first person perspective, much like the System Shock and BioShock titles he's been working on for the past few decades. But we don't really have a handle on what players will be doing in first person, and the job description isn't in a hurry to help.


Still, this is exciting, right? This is something. We've only been given the most vague tidbits about the Ghost Story Games project, and those have mostly come from Ken Levine speaking in generalities at conferences. A genre is a step in the right direction, even if we still don't know a whole lot more.

But wow: we definitely do not think this game is coming out in the next year, or even the next two years. It sounds like development is still in its very early stages.

We'll fill you in should we learn more.

