The Outer Worlds Lands On Switch Next Year

Obsidian is making it so that you can get your space cowboy on just about anywhere. We already knew that the game would be available on the Switch at some point, we just weren't sure when. Now it looks like we won't have to sleep for seventy years while waiting: The Outer Worlds could be on the Switch as early as March 2020. 


Virtuous will be handling the port, cramming this great big galaxy into the tiny but mighty Switch. And this is the studio that was able to do this for Dark Souls Remastered and Starlink: Battle for Atlas, proving that the company is more than up for the task. But when can we expect to wander The Outer Worlds while wandering with our Switch? It took Virtuous about five months to take Dark Souls and make it palatable for the Switch, so we could potentially be looking at March for a release date. This also follows with the end of the fiscal year, so there are probably some business-minded people pushing for a March 2020 release date. Until then, there are plenty of other platforms to play Obsidian's latest masterpiece on.


The Outer Worlds is great, according to reviews

Seriously, The Outer Worlds is getting rave reviews all around, with critics calling it a lush and satisfying "Skyrim in space." Skyrim runs just fine on the Switch, one of the first third-party, triple-A titles to prove that the Switch can handle more than just Nintendo games. Usually, the difference between titles on the Switch and titles on Xbox, PC, or PlayStation comes down to framerate. You'll likely be unable to run around in Emerald Vale at 60 FPS on the Switch, but you'll still be able to snipe enemies, smack feral canids with sabers, and charm NPCs in the (eventual) Switch version of The Outer Worlds.


In the meantime, the game is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

