Alien: Isolation Leaps Onto Nintendo Switch This December

Nintendo has announced that Alien: Isolation, one of the most terrifying games on the planet, is coming to Nintendo Switch on Dec. 5, just in time for you to get it as a morbid Christmas present you'll wish you'd never opened. 


With so many other big budget games such as DOOM, Skyrim, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt having been ported to the console, it's a wonder this hasn't happened sooner. Alien: Isolation is already available for all other major platforms, so this Nintendo Switch version has been a long time coming; at least, that's how Switch fans feel about it.

The Nintendo Switch version of the game comes packed with all the available DLC previously released. This includes Last Survivor, a recreation of Ellen Ripley's final journey into the Nostromo to activate the self-destruct sequence, rescue Jones, and escape without being caught and killed by the Alien.

We named Alien: Isolation as one of the games you should never play by yourself, but since it's either that or not playing at all, you'll just have to. The Nintendo Switch version could even ramp up the intensity of the panic you feel when trying to sneak around the Alien, because there's no controller between you and the game; just a flimsy screen that you're sure the Alien could pounce through if it tried.


What is this terrifying game you need to play?

Alien: Isolation is a first person horror game set on the Sevastopol space station. Players take on the role of Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda Ripley, as she journeys to find her mother's ship, only to be confronted by an unknown horror. Players must avoid a number of dangers in the game, from the Working Joe robots with their loose-fitting faces, to the Xenomorph itself, a deadly towering predator that's smarter than anything you've faced before. 


The Alien's AI was praised by both critics and players when Alien: Isolation first launched. The creature will hunt players throughout their time with the game, never doing what is expected of it. Even the game's developers have said in interviews that, during their daily play tests, someone always screamed because the Alien had surprised them.

From the cluttered desks and bunks full of evidence of daily life, to the items Amanda uses in the game — including a version of the well known motion tracker, complete with the exact same sound files – Alien: Isolation is an immersive horror experience that is horrifically engrossing. On Dec. 5, Nintendo Switch owners will finally get to see what the fuss is all about.


