Borderlands 3's First Expansion Gets A 13-Minute Gameplay Video

It seems like Gearbox really can't get away from Handsome Jack. Ever since Borderlands 2, the villain has been a beloved staple of the franchise, appearing in every game since. He even plays a minor role in Borderlands 3, and he'll be taking center stage soon, just like he always does. Soon, you can fight against an extra sassy hologram of Handsome Jack in the game's first DLC, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot.


To build more hype for the DLC, Gearbox released 13 minutes of gameplay featuring Zane. Borderlands probably needs no warning, but to be safe, the gameplay contains some swearing and innuendo; Moxxi's in it, after all. If you missed the original announcement for the DLC, you'll work closely with Moxxi to infiltrate Handsome Jack's gaudy casino and take it for her. It's a revenge mission more than anything, since the casino was Moxxi's idea in the first place.

You'll slaughter thousands of Hyperion Loader Bots and some of Jack's henchmen who went insane, all while Moxxi and Jack talk to you. In other words, you can expect sexual double entendres in one ear and egotistical, condescending rambling in the other.


To access the DLC, Gearbox recommends your character to be at least level 13. Borderlands 3 will scale everything up for players at a higher level, so you'll still get a decent challenge with appropriate loot. Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot promises multiple hours of content, so you could think of it as a nice endgame distraction or a lengthy side quest, depending on how far you are in the game. In the casino, you'll reap all sorts of rewards, including new guns, gear, and cosmetics.

The first DLC for Borderlands 3 will launch on Dec. 19, but you can expect three more after this one. Gearbox has been keeping quiet on what the other three will cover, but we at least know we shouldn't expect more Vault Hunters

