What Fans Want From The Pokemon Direct

Though Pokemon Sword and Shield are currently breaking franchise records, Nintendo has revealed that it's not content to rest on this success. It was announced earlier today that the company will be livestreaming a new Pokemon Direct presentation. According to the announcement, fans can expect "roughly 20 minutes of new Pokemon information." The Pokemon Direct is scheduled for January 9 at 6:30 a.m. PT. 


Naturally, this news has led to Twitter losing its collective mind.

The announcement sent an excited ripple throughout the Pokemon fanbase, as many speculated about what kinds of announcements we can expect from the presentation. After all, it's highly unlikely that Nintendo would announce a new main series game so soon after Sword and Shield's release. Some fans are hoping for new installments of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, as well as remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Others are bracing themselves for disappointment, anticipating smaller pieces of information related to previously-announced Pokémon projects. It is worth remembering that Pokemon Home, a cloud-based storage app for captured Pokemon, is still supposedly set for an "early 2020" release date. There's also the possibility that this presentation will cover Pokemon Sleep, a sleep-tracking app that aims to "turn sleeping into entertainment," much in the same way Pokemon GO did for walking.


Perhaps we'll see updates to the wildly popular Facebook gamesPokemon Tower Battle and Pokemon Medallion Battle, or even expansions to the Pokemon GO Pokedex. Maybe we'll get a follow-up to the pair of Pokemon: Let's Go! games? The number of possibilities are almost as endless as the number of Pokemon.

Joe Merrick of Pokemon fan-site Serebii.net also pointed out that, at twenty minutes, this will be Nintendo's longest Pokemon Direct to date. Basically, whatever the announcements may be, we can expect a good amount of content on display when the presentation goes live on Jan. 9.

