Xbox Series X Won't Immediately Kill The Xbox One

The start of a new console generation can end up leaving some players in the lurch. New exclusives are typically reserved for the new machine, and the old one is usually left behind. Microsoft, however, is looking to break with tradition and keep Xbox One owners gaming for at least a few more years — even after the launch of the Xbox Series X.


In an interview with MCV, Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty talked about Microsoft's strategy heading into the next generation.

"As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices," Booty said.

Long story short: You can expect continued support for the Xbox One. The Series X will not signal the end of the Xbox One's lifespan — at least not right away. Two years down the road? Perhaps. But for the first couple of years, exclusives from the Xbox Game Studios family — which includes developers like 343, Ninja Theory, Obsidian, and so on — will continue to be released on Xbox One.

It looks like you won't have to rush out to the store on launch day, after all; that is, unless you want the best possible experience in a particular title. This will be welcome news for those who aren't looking to upgrade right away. For those afraid the Series X will be held back by the presence of last generation's consoles, however, this news might not be so welcome.


We'll have to wait until the games actually come out to see if any sacrifices are truly being made. Still, from the business side, this makes sense. Microsoft is basically telling everyone that it's okay to buy an Xbox One right now; that the system won't roll over and die once the Series X hits store shelves. If you're a gamer on a budget, you could make out like a bandit in the months ahead.

"We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we're committed to them with content," Booty said.

