Gamer Saves Teen 5000 Miles Away

In an example of how video games can bring people closer together, a young man's life was saved by an online gaming friend. After hearing him in distress, she called an ambulance for him — from nearly 5,000 miles away.


As reported by the Liverpool Echo, 17-year-old Aidan Jackson of Widnes, England, was chatting during a gaming session with his American friend Dia Lathora. When their conversation stopped abruptly, Dia — who lives in Texas — feared something had happened to him. 

"I just put my headset back on and I heard what I could only describe as a seizure," Dia explained to the Liverpool Echo, "so obviously I started to get worried and immediately started asking what was going on and if he was okay, when he didn't respond I instantly started to look up the emergency number for the EU."

After an online search, Dia found the number for emergency services in Aidan's area. Unfortunately, she was unable to reach someone for help until she dialed a non-emergency number and was given the option to speak to an operator.


Shortly after, two police cars and an ambulance arrived at Aidan's home. The young man was taken to the hospital and given the medical treatment he needed. While no diagnosis has been announced, it has been noted that Aidan has a history of seizure activity. In the middle of last year, he was hospitalized for a week following a particularly rough seizure.

Speaking with the Liverpool Echo, Aidan's mother expressed her gratitude for Dia's quick thinking and the prompt response from emergency services. 

"We can't thank Dia and the emergency services enough for what they did, considering the 4,750 miles between Dia and Aidan," said Mrs. Jackson. "We always say to the kids, be careful who you speak to online, but in this case, it was invaluable."

