Destiny 2 Mode Fans Have Begged For Could Arrive In March

Get pumped, Destiny 2 fans — the mode you've asked Bungie to add over and over again could soon be coming to the game. According to a reliable data miner, Trials of Osiris appears ready to make its debut in Destiny 2 during Season 10. That season, as it so happens, is the one scheduled to begin in March.


Trials of Osiris was a competitive PvP mode in the first Destiny; one that encouraged the best of the best to square off and slay each other in pursuit of new loot. Strangely, though, the mode was all but canned when Destiny 2 launched in September 2017. Bungie instead opted to introduce a mode called Trials of the Nine, which did away with the 3 vs. 3 format and much of the endgame feel.

That flavor of Trials was later discontinued after players pushed back. Bungie later stated Trials would go on "hiatus" while it got reworked.

It seems like the Trials of Osiris launch inside Destiny 2 could be linked to a current-season quest that has yet to begin. We'll definitely update you as soon as that quest goes live.


Trials of Osiris could solve a big Destiny 2 problem

Trials of Osiris coming to Destiny 2 will make a lot of players very happy. More importantly, though, the mode could address a fairly common criticism shared by those who play the game.

While many of Destiny 2's other modes have "endgame-type" activities tied to them — think Nightfall strikes or the Legend Sundial — the PvP side of things hasn't been shown much love. Some who play the game put way more time into player-versus-player activities than strikes, raids, and horde modes. They're competitive people who want to be challenged by others while still earning cool endgame loot.


So far, Destiny 2 hasn't really offered anything like that. It is hoped, however, that the potential addition of Trials of Osiris could fill that gap.

Will it? Won't it? We might not know for sure until Season 10 rolls around sometime in March. But we have our fingers crossed.

