The Real Reason Geoff Keighley Isn't Attending E3

E3 2020 might look and feel a lot different from previous years. Geoff Keighley, video game journalist and longtime presenter/host at E3 events, has announced that he will not be participating in this year's conference. This comes as a huge surprise, considering what an outspoken and enthusiastic part of the conference he has been in previous years. This will mark the first time in 25 years that he has not participated in E3, and naturally, people want to know why.


As he explained recently to WIRED, Keighley is of the opinion that E3 needs to evolve into something more open to the individual fans around the world. Additionally, Keighley hopes for a more inclusive show that moves things into "more of a digital and global direction," rather than one that is confined to a singular venue.

"It's less about a show floor of booths, and more about connecting fans around the world to the games they love," Keighly told WIRED. "So I think less about the person who travels to LA to attend E3 and more about the kid in Stockholm who could never afford to go to E3, but still wants to be a part of something that celebrates his or her passion point."

What's next for Geoff Keighley?

The responses to Keighley's departure were varied, of course. There were plenty of positive comments and well wishers, for which Keighley showed a great deal of gratitude. There were the usual trolls mocking his decision, but there were also more than a few people who agreed that the E3 conference — at least in its current state — had long ago run its course.


"E3 has been overrated and dying since 2008-2010," read one response to Keighley's announcement. "It has never been for and about the gamers. It has always been about the businesses."

While that comment was a bit more negative than Keighley's remarks, it seems to back up the general feeling behind Keighley's decision. Though this move certainly came as a shock to some fans, Keighley was quick to let folks know that he wasn't planning to leave the industry entirely. In fact, he still has some hosting gigs lined up in the months ahead. Later this year, Keighley will be hosting Gamescom 2020.

It will be interesting to see where this leads E3 in the future and whether or not this will spark the kind of change Keighley is hoping for.


