The Best Games To Play During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Right now, it's important that everyone stay inside and stay sane. Thankfully, you can play video games indoors, and with friends who are snug in the safety of their own homes. Governments everywhere are asking their citizens to practice social distancing, so couch co-op is a no-go. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your time in quarantine with some friends online.

The best games to play right now are those that will connect you with other people. Continued isolation can be detrimental to mental health, so consider forwarding a friend some of these titles.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a vacation in video game form

Feel like you need a vacation? Want to get away to a deserted island somewhere, spend some time in the sun on a beach? You can't do that IRL right now, but you can do it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The newest title in the series places you on a deserted island that won't stay deserted for long. You get to build your very own community of cute animal neighbors in this island paradise. 

You can also invite some of your friends to join you in this utterly relaxing game. Up to eight players can inhabit an island at one time, so you can get the whole gang together for a beach bash. The world of Animal Crossing is all pastels and soft textures, a perfectly calm and collected place to take your mind off of the news. Immerse yourself in the harmless drama of your adorable neighbors and spend a few hours fishing in Animal Crossing: New Horizons during this trying time.

World of Warcraft will keep you busy

Many forced to stay home will have extra hours to fill. Time moves at a painfully slow pace when you're bored, so why not sink some of it into an MMO? World of Warcraft is famous (and sometimes infamous) for being something of a never-ending game. There's always another raid, another quest, or another expansion for you to play. Even after spending hundreds of hours getting to max level, you can always choose to start again with a new race and/or class to keep things fresh. 

This intense replayability makes WoW a perfect game to play when you're stuck inside for an unknown amount of time. You can also play with friends and build your own guild as you quest through Azeroth. Before you know it, days will have passed and you'll have had many an adventure with your pals. Just remember to stay hydrated and give your eyes a break every now and then.

Doom Eternal lets you exorcise your demons

Releasing alongside the cuddly Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the bloodsoaked Doom Eternal. The latest and goriest of the series offers you a chance to vent all your homebound frustrations in an unending struggle with hellish demons and frightening beasts. You, Doom Slayer, get to blast and bash your way through the hordes. There are different modes for different calibers of players, so don't worry — you don't have to play on the new, aptly named "Nightmare" mode.

You can also play with friends. You and a buddy can become devilish demons and attack another friend who plays the part of the Doom Slayer. As time goes on, everyone gets more impressive powers and bigger weapons — who will win? That's up to you to determine.

These are just a few games that you and your pals can distract yourselves with. 2019 launched a ton of games players loved, and 2020 is primed to provide even more entertainment.
