Chorus Game - What We Know So Far

The launch of the Xbox Series X is just months away, and finally, Microsoft is pulling the curtain back on some of the games we can expect for the console. Alongside first party efforts like Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2, a number of third-party titles will also make their way to the machine. One of those is Chorus, which looks like it'll take full advantage of the impressive power found in the Series X.


Chorus is a space-based sci-fi adventure from the folks at Deep Silver FISHLABS, a studio previously known for working on mobile games and ports. While we don't have a ton of info on this one just yet, there are enough details floating around to help you set some expectations about its release, platforms, and story. So without further ado, here's everything we know about Chorus thus far.

What is the release date for Chorus?

Perhaps you're already sold on Chorus. You got your first look at it, it spoke to you, and now you want to play it. You might be waiting a little while, unfortunately.

As of May 2020, Chorus has a tentative release window of 2021, and there's really no telling when in 2021 the game might come out. It could arrive a few months after the release of the next-gen consoles, or it could slip all the way into the 2021 holiday season. That's assuming, by the way, that it won't be delayed.


Should some more detailed release date information become available, we'll definitely let you know.

Is there a trailer for Chorus?

If you're a fan of sci-fi video games, the trailer for Chorus might remind you of some past favorites. A few of the location shots found within give off some serious Control vibes. The space combat scenes might conjure up memories of Everspace.


If Chorus somehow offers the best of both worlds, that'll be a real victory for the developers at Deep Silver FISHLABS. Until we really get to see the game in action though — and we get an opportunity to put it through its paces — all we can really do is cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Which platforms will Chorus be on?

Chorus was given a whole lot of love on an Inside Xbox stream in May 2020. Naturally, then, players might assume the game is closely tied to the platform, and could even be an exclusive for the Xbox Series X. That is not the case.


While Chorus will make full use of the Series X hardware by offering 4K, 60 frames-per-second gameplay, Microsoft's next-gen machine won't be its only home. In fact, Chorus isn't an entirely next-gen title. In addition to showing up on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC, you'll also be able to play Deep Silver's new sci-fi action game on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. On top of all that, there's a Stadia verison in the works, too.

What is the story of Chorus?

Ready for a bonkers sci-fi story? It sounds like Chorus will definitely have one, which should make fans of the genre very, very happy.

Chorus stars Nora, a woman "on a quest to destroy the dark cult that created her." To do so, she'll team up with a "sentient ship" named Forsaken, as well as other fighters from around the galaxy.


Many of you will likely be sold at the mention of a "sentient ship." But we're fairly certain the cult in question — The Circle — will also be the source of many mysteries. There's also a promise of traveling "beyond the boundaries of reality," and mentions of using "teleportation and telekinesis" in huge battles. That all sounds really good, with just enough intrigue left over to keep us wondering what else Chorus has in store.

It's unfortunate that we'll have to wait until 2021 to play Chorus, but it's nice to know more outer space action titles are on the way. As soon as we learn more about Chorus and what you can expect from it, we'll be sure to issue an update.

