Here's How To Visit Joe Biden's Animal Crossing Island

Joe Biden, the former vice president and current 2020 presidential candidate, is the latest public figure to enter the world of Animal Crossing: New HorizonsBiden now has his own island, filled with campaign yard signs, a merchandise shop, and even the candidate himself (in Animal Crossing form, of course). The island reveal was hosted by Kinda Funny, as hosts Greg Miller and Gary Whitta took players on a tour of everything the Biden Island had to offer. The island appears to be a marketing effort, but it seems clear a lot of effort went into its design.


The island includes a cluttered field office, Biden and senator Kamala Harris' offices, and even a basement filled with model trains. There's also a voting area and a flower arrangement designed to look like the U.S. flag. Additionally, islanders can find a re-creation of the White House near the back of the island. If you're interested in visiting the island yourself, it's very easy to do thanks to New Horizons' "dreams" feature.

The Dream Code

You can check out the former vice president's Animal Crossing island by entering your home in the game and going to sleep on your bed. After selecting, "Yeah, I want to sleep," followed by, "I want to dream," you can enter a dream code. The Joe Biden Dream Code is DA-7286-5710-7478. You'll need to ensure your Nintendo Switch is connected to the internet, Animal Crossing has the latest update installed, and solo play is enabled. 


You will then be transported to Biden's island, where you can freely explore and talk to the numerous residents. The Biden campaign suggested taking advantage of the virtual world due to COVID-19 restrictions. "Rope line selfies are on pause with social distancing," the campaign said in a statement reported by Polygon, before adding that "there still great photo opportunities throughout the island."

